Although the first several issues of the upcoming “Batman: Endgame” arc in the top-selling Batman title have already been solicited in issues #35-37, it is being reported today that both the size and price of the issues are changing from what the solicits advertised. Each one of these issues is being increased to a full 30 pages of story content and the price is being increased accordingly from $3.99 to $4.99. While DC often matches their cover prices to the size of the issue and various oversized issues have been priced at this new price point, this is the first ongoing DC title to be bumped up to the five dollar mark. Additionally, it is currently unknown whether this will be the new ongoing price for all future issues of Batman or if only the “Endgame” arc will be getting the expansion in size and price.
Also, while the issues in question were solicited with the same cover art so as to mask any details about the story itself, the image above, is a variant cover of Batman #35 which might offer some insight into the content of the upcoming arc.