Lately, I feel as if I am in the minority of those who like Zero Year. Many are nay saying the retelling of Batman’s origin as well as other key characters. I for one am enjoying every moment thus far. Being a writer first, Scott Snyder can at times be a little long winded and overdue the dialogue in his books. At times in this issue I did find my thoughts wondering as I was reading a few passages. But, where his dialogue runs away, Capullo’s expert pencils draw us back in.
I just can’t say enough about Greg Capullo’s artwork in this book (ACE Chemical in particular). His blending of shadows and his fire shading are just fantastic. There truly is no better team in comics today than these two.
This issue draws deeper into the Red Hood gang and their nefarious plans for Gotham City, as well as their leader Red Hood 1. The issue builds up to a final confrontation at ACE Chemical where somebody (you can guess) takes a chemical bath. In the epilogue, all the loose ends of Red Hoods rampage and identity are cleared up as well as our introduction to our next contender for Gotham.
Batman #24:
Reviewed by Joe Palazzolo