June’s biggest news is the upcoming major summer event involving all of the DC multiverse. Dark Days: The Forge will be hitting stores June 14, written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV and illustrated by Andy Kubert, Jim Lee and John Romita Jr. The one-shot will be 40 pages long at the price of $4,99. Costing the same will be the Looney Tunes special, Batman/Elmer Fudd.
As for the Bat-books, June will finally be bringing Joker and the Riddler to King’s Batman run, with art by Mikel Janin. Detective Comics will continue rotating the focus of the story arcs as “The Intelligence” brings Azrael to the forefront. In Batgirl, Eleonora Carlini, who has previously drawn Babs in the New 52 and is currently doing a fine job over in Green Arrow, will be taking over pencils. Rafael Albuquerque will continue on All Star Batman #11 after also doing issue #10. In Harley Quinn and Batgirl and the Birds of Prey new arcs start, while “Blockbuster” continues in Nightwing and “Rise of the Demon” in Batman Beyond. Wrapping up, we have “Who is Artemis” in Red Hood and the Outlaws and “The Many Arms of Death” in Batwoman.
Greater DC books will see a majorly political plot coming to Justice League, one that has finally caught my interest for the title. In art duties, we will see the return of Francis Manapul in Trinity and Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira, who have worked on Detective Comics, will be taking over Suicide Squad from issue #20, as the Squad tries to elect a new leader. Spinning out of “The Lazarus Contract”, the crossover that will be wrapping up in Deathstroke #20, the Titans will also be facing leadership issue, with art by Kenneth Rocafort, who has recently worked on Red Hood and the Outlaws #8.
All Star Batman #11 [06/14] Story by Scott Snyder; art by Rafael Albuquerque. “The First Ally” part two. From Gotham to sunny Miami, Batman is tracking down an enemy who is associated with one of his closest allies.
Batman #24-25 [06/21] Story by Tom King; #24 art by David Finch and Danny Miki. “Aftermath”. With the knowledge gained from investigating the button, Batman is preparing for war. #25 art by Mikel Janin. “The War of Jokes and Riddles” part one. A stand-alone story in the molds of Year One and The Long Halloween in which Batman narrating one of his major failures of the past.
Detective Comics #958-959 [06/14 – 06/28] Story by James Tynion IV; art by Alvaro Martinez and Raul Fernandez. “Intelligence” parts one and two. This story arc will be focusing on Azrael, bringing what has been teased in DC #950 to the forefront as the Order of St. Dumas goes after him. Meanwhile, Batman is following trails based on what he finds out in “The Button”.
Bane: Conquest #2 [06/07] Story by Chuck Dixon; art by Graham Nolan. Cult leader Damocles has Bane sent to prison, an environment much too familiar for him.
Batman Beyond #9 [06/28] Story by Dan Jurgens; art by Bernard Chang. “Rise of the Demon” part four. Terry faces Ra’s al Ghul in battle.
Batgirl #12 [06/28] Story by Hope Larson; art by Eleonora Carlini.”Troubled Waters”. A creature threatens the Burnside YMCA and it can zap people out of existence.
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #11 [06/14] Story by Julie Benson and Shawna Benson; art by Roge Antonio. “Source Code” part one. This arc will dwell on the new Oracle’s past.
Batwoman #4 [06/21] Story by Marguerite Bennett and James Tynion IV; art by Steve Epting. “The Many Arms of Death” finale. All of the threads come together, with Batwoman’s mother murder, Safiyah’s mystery and the Many Arms of Death tangling and becoming one.
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #10 [06/14] Story by Brenden Fletcher;, Karl Kerschl and Becky Cloonan; art by Adam Archer, Msassyk and Sandra Hope.
Harley Quinn #21-22 [06/07 – 06/21] Story by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti; art by John Timms. “Red Roses” parts one and two. Red Tool takes matters into his own hands as he starts courting Harley. Backup stories by Paul Dini and Jimmy Palmiotti; art by Bret Blevins and J. bone. “Harley Loves Joker” parts five and six. In part five, Harley will meet one of her old pals, the Carpenter. In part six, Harley cooks up a plan to get in Joker’s good graces.
Mother Panic #8 [06/28] Story by Jody Houser; art by John Paul Leon.
Nightwing #22-23 [06/07 – 06/21] Story by Tim Seeley; art by Marcus To. “Blockbuster” parts three and four. Blockbuster’s return to Bludhaven spawns a crime war in the city.
Red Hood and the Outlaws #11 [06/14] Story by Scott Lobdell; art by Dexter Soy. “Who is Artemis” finale. Akila sets off to destroy an entire country and Artemis must decide which side to take, her old friend or her new allies.
Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1 [06/28] Story by Tom King; art by Lee Weeks. In this unexpected crossover, Elmer Fudd declares Bat Season as he stalks Batman throughout Gotham. Backup story art by Byron Vaughns will feature other DC/Looney Tunes crossovers.
Batman/The Shadow #3 [06/28] Story by Scott Snyder and Steve Orlando; art by Riley Rossmo.
Batman ’66 meets Wonder Woman ’77 #6 [06/28] Story by Mark Andreyko and Jeff Parker; art by David Hahn and Karl Kesel. Final Issue.
Dark Days: The Forge #1 [06/14] Story by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV; art by Jim Lee, Andy Kubert, John Romita Jr and others. DC’s heroes suspect Batman of hiding something that might be threatening the whole multiverse. The story will cross space and time, spanning generations of DC’s lore.
Justice League #22-23 [06/07 – 06/21] Story by Bryan Hitch; art by Fernando Pasarin and Oclair Albert. “Only Human” parts one and two. “Aliens live among us. Sometimes they’re refugees from war-torn planets. Sometimes they’re hidden. Sometimes they’re our world’s greatest heroes.” The current political scenario of the US is brought to comics as an anti-extra-terrestrial group, the One Earth, outlaws and bans aliens and alien technology.
Justice League of America #8-9 [06/14 – 06/28] Story by Steve Orlando; art by Felipe Watanabe and Scott Hanna. “The Man from Monster Valley” parts one and two. A new character might be joining the team. Makson, a lone human raised by fantastic creatures in true Mowgli style, is found by the JLA while they are on a mission in Russia.
Suicide Squad #19-20 [06/14 – 06/28] Story by Rob Williams; #19 art by Tony S. Daniel and Sandu Florea. “Earthlings on fire” finale. General Zod escapes Waller’s control, but the Eradicator and Cyborg Superman come to help the Suicide Squad. #20 art by Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira. “False Flag” part one. The Squad needs to elect a new leader.
Super Sons #5 [06/21] Story by Peter Tomasi; art by Jorge Jimenez. “Battle in the Batcave”. This issue will dwell on the aftermath of the boys’ battle with Kid Amazo as they fight their way through the Batcave.
Teen Titans #9 [06/28] Story by Benjamin Percy; art by Khoi Pham and Wade con Grawbadger. “Blood of the Manta” part one. In the aftermath of “The Lazarus Contract”, Kid Flash may be leaving the team and Aqualad finds out the truth about his lineage.
Titans #12 [06/14] Story by Dan Abnett; art by Kenneth Rocafort. “Bad Omen”. Nightwing’s leadership is brought into question after the events of “The Lazarus Contract”, while Omen predicts a betrayal coming from one of the team members.
Trinity #10 [06/21] Story and art by Francis Manapul. “All Along the Watchtower” part two. The Justice League and the Watchtower have been infected, and they are falling towards Earth.
DC Comics Bombshells #28-29 [06/07 – 06/21] Story by Marguerite Bennet; #28 art by Laura Braga and Aneke; #29 art by Mirka Andolfo, Richard Ortiz and Carmen Carnero.
Deathstroke #20 [06/07] Story by Christopher Priest; art by Larry Hama and Carlo Pagulavan. “The Lazarus Contract” epilogue. Life shattered after the crossover events, Deathstroke will have to face a friend-become-f
Injustice 2 #3-4 [06/07 – 06/21] Story by Tom Taylor; #3 art by Daniel Sampere and Juan Albarran; #4 art by Bruno Redondo and Juan Albarran.
The “Revenge” story arc continues in Action Comics #981 and #982 [06/14 – 06/28] as the Suicide Squad is being threatened by General Zod, Cyborg Superman and Eradicator. Batgirl and Supergirl continue their fight with the Phantom King in Supergirl #10 [06/14].
So what are you looking forward to this June? Sound off below!