One of the interesting things about the relaunch of the DC Universe is that for the first time in nearly twenty years, Tim Drake will not be featured in a solo title. When Tim was introduced to fans his popularity took off very quickly spawning not one, but three mini-series that led to the solo series titled Robin, which last for close to two hundred issues. After Robin ended and Tim moved on to the his next role, he had a new series called Red Robin that still followed the character alone. This September, that changes.
Instead of giving Tim his own solo series, DC has decided to instead have him lead the Teen Titans and be featured prominently in that series. While Tim will obviously be featured in the Bat-Books, his main series will be Teen Titans. Because the Teen Titans series tends to deal with more of the overall DC Universe instead of staying within the Batman Universe, we will not be covering this series on the comic cast. Instead we will be reviewing every month under the DCU Spotlight banner.
With all of that being said, one thing that has had fan's really talking specifically about Tim Drake is his new design for his costume; even more specific, his "wings." The Source released the covers to more of November issues today, including Teen Titans #3. A much better image highlighting Tim's new costume is shown. Take a look below and sound off in the comments section about what you think.
Posted by Dustin Fritschel