DC Comics has announced a brand new ongoing series titled Future State: Gotham. The intent of the series is to tell additional stories set in the world of DC Future State that first took place in the pages of other Future State titles including Future State: Dark Detective, Future State: The Next Batman, Future State: Harley Quinn, Future State: Robin Eternal, and Future State: Nightwing.
The first story arc will be six-issues long and focus on Red Hood’s story originally told in Future State: Dark Detective with the character as a bounty hunter for the Magistrate. The story will be written by Joshua Williamson and Dennis Culver with art by Giannis Milonogiannis. Take a look at some of the art released and the solicit for the first issue.
“Hunt the Next Batman”: Disaster strikes Gotham City and all evidence points to Tim Fox, The Next Batman! Jason Todd chooses justice over his family and allies when The Magistrate enlists him to bring in the new Batman, dead or alive! Featuring the entire cast from the popular DC Future State Batman titles, Future State Gotham begins the next chapter in this inevitable world of tomorrow and does so with this dynamic, noirish format.
The issue will hit stores on May 11 with a main cover by Yasmine Putri (as seen above) and a card stock variant by James Stokoe.