It seems “Mr. J” might again be taking a backseat to his on again off again partner, but this time on the big screen. With positive word of mouth seeping through regarding this summer’s Suicide Squad, The Hollywood Reporter broke that a film, concentrating on female characters in the DC Universe, is being pushed by Harley Quinn herself Margot Robbie.
After delving into her character’s history through the comic’s/Batman:TAS, the actress fell in love with DC’s female personalities and brought the idea to Warner Brothers. With a reported writer already penning a script, chances of the film taking one of the unannounced 2018/2019 DCEU release dates look good. With a star like Robbie and a character like Harley Quinn, it makes total sense for the studio to plow full steam ahead.
In a unique twist though, the film is not expected to focus solely on Quinn as it is expected to focus on a number of female heroes/villains with characters like Batgirl and the Birds of Prey being mentioned in the announcement. Either way it means The Batman Universe will be expanding on the big screen.