Overview: Knight Terrors #1 picks up the story following Knight Terror: First Blood #1. We see the conclusion of Deadman’s first meeting with Insomnia where we learn who he is and what he is searching for.
Synopsis (spoilers ahead):

Variant cover by Alex Maleev
Knight Terrors #1 begins with Deadman at the scene of his death. He recounts the story of how he became a superhero which is how he has ended up inside of Batman, Insomnia holding him in his clutches (see how that happens in Knight Terrors: First Blood#1). We learn Insomnia wants the Nightmare Stone. John Dee, aka Doctor Destiny, either hid in the real world or in the nightmares of one of the world’s greatest heroes. With the ability to turn not just his own dreams into reality but the dreams other others as well, he searches.
Deadman then jumps from Batman to Insomnia, searching his memories for clues on how to take him down. He sees the lineage of how the Stone had become stolen and hidden by John Dee. Next to the eruption on Lazarus Island, the tainted rain pouring down on the asylum. Deadman sees a spot of joy, but he is cast away from Insomnia before he can get to it.
With this new information, Deadman swoops back into Batman and pounces out of the window. On to find someone who can help him battle inside dreams. Insomnia heads back into the nightmare realm to continue his search for stone, leaving his knights to kill anyone still awake.
Getting the idea from the creation of Insomnia, Deadman takes what little Lazarus rain Batman had on hand and heads to the grave of Wesley Dodds. The man rises from the grave and Deadman hands him his hat, gas mask, and gas gun. The Sandman loves a good mystery.
I want to start with the art in and on the outside of this book. The art inside the book is spectacular. It does not at all look like three different artists worked on this together, you can see the instances where it does change but only if you really look. It flows beautifully. As for the covers, I can’t say enough good things. No matter what variant you decide to pick up, or get stuck with, you are going to be happy. The Deadman forward version of Batman may be my favorite.
The story itself was a lot of information-gathering for the slew of two part stories they have following. I think it was a success. It’s interesting and gives a good crisis to be able to involves the current DC comic universe. The ending is one of the coolest reveals of character I’ve seen in a while. I thought this version of Sandman was super smart to use. Insomnia calls himself a God but was created by an accident, and Wesley Dodd is the man version, not the God of Dreams. I like weird and creepy, this is both. Let’s go.
Editor’s Note: DC Comics provided TBU with an advanced copy of this comic for review purposes. You can find this comic and help support TBU in the process by purchasing this issue digitally on Comixology through Amazon or a physical copy of the title through Things From Another World.
Knight Terrors #1
Overall Score
Knight Terrors does a great job of setting up Insomnia. I’m excited to see where the Nightmare Stone actually is and what he is going to do with it.