Overview: Poison Ivy’s perfect life in her self-made dreamhouse starts to fall apart in Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy #2. Ivy and Janet from HR must wake up.
Synopsis (Spoilers ahead): Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy #2 begins with Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy (Pamela Isely) sitting together, having dinner in their dream home. Big crazy smiles on both of their faces. Everything is seemingly perfect until Harley notices one dandelion growing in the yard and goes after it with the weed killer. Ivy stops her by force. This knocks some sense back into Ivy. Finally realizing this isn’t real, she heads for the door. She needs to find Janet from HR.
Next-door-neighbor Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Catwoman (Selina Kyle) are waiting for her at the front door with poison in hand. Harley grabs Ivy from behind and all three spray her. They leave her to die alone.
The story takes us to Janet hiding underneath a staircase, still being chased by a Batgirl and Penguin (could also be Mad-Hatter, it isn’t clear). Barely able to escape, she makes her way back to Ivy and Harley’s to find Ivy barely conscious on the floor. Janet not only physically picks her up, but does so emotionally as well.
Batman, Catwoman, and Harley return for round two. A newly invigorated Ivy jumps at Batman, pulling off the cowl, only to see herself staring back at her. Ivy and Janet begin to fall, Janet screaming “WAKE UP”. This issue ends with Ivy waking in her home, blood on the floor and Janet awake, alone on a park bench.
Analysis: This comic book is so much fun. Ivy’s biggest nightmare is living in the suburbs with Harley Quinn, with the both of them pretending to be normal people, and it is perfect. Pair that idea with the wonderful artwork with the crazed suburban smile, and this issue is just chef’s kiss. You can tell that all of the creatives at DC are having a blast rolling out these Knight Terror books.
My main issue with Janet from HR so far in this current iteration of Ivy has been their romantic will-they/won’t-they as Ivy just straight cheats on Harley. I think it’s a dumb choice. Over these last two issues, it seems that Janet could slide into the platonic love relationship with Ivy. I don’t think we have enough of those relationships done well. This has the makings to be one. Then, DC editorial can also stop playing with one of the most dangerous villains in DC, Harley Quinn.
The only issue that I have now is that both characters are awake. No more next-door-neighbor Batman in his cargo shorts.
Editor’s Note: DC Comics provided TBU with an advanced copy of this comic for review purposes. You can find this comic and help support TBU in the process by purchasing this issue digitally on Comixology through Amazon or a physical copy of the title through Things From Another World.