Quantum Mechanix has announced their exclusives for this year's Comic Con International. Among the exclusives is a bundle of DC Comics Bombshell prints. Some of the prints were previously announced, but now at the convention you will be able to get an exclusive three pack.
DC Comics Bombshells High-Flyers Poster Bundle ($24.95): DC Comics Bombshells High-Flyers Poster Bundle
The Amazing Amazon, Maiden of Mischief and the Vined Vixen are teaming up exclusively for Comic-Con International: San Diego 2014. This bombshell of a poster bundle features three lovely ladies of the DC Universe (Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy) for one low price. At just $24.95 for all three prints, this is sure to be a deal no vintage pin-up or comic book fan can pass up.
Posted by Dustin Fritschel