In Harley Quinn #40, Harley accepts Freeze’s offer to train his new crew. Harley’s training goes south when the GCPD shows up, and Mr. Freeze unveils his plan.
Title: Harley Quinn #40: The Big Freezy
Writer: Tini Howard
Artist: Natacha Bustos
Color Artist: Nick Filardi
Cover: Sweeney Boo
Variant Covers: Leirix; Daniel Hillyard (1:25); Caspar Wijngaard (1:50)
Release Date: May 28, 2024
This comic book review contains spoilers.
One has to dress for success and when seeking a job with Mr. Freeze; that dress has to include a parka. Harley Quinn meets up with Mr. Freeze in his building that’s still under construction. Freeze introduces her to his two newest recruits: Harmada and Vampire Squid. Harley asks her new pupils to attack in order to see what they got. The two do just that, but their attacks are ineffectual at best. Harley quickly gets the upper hand on them. Freeze returns and says that he is sure the two would be ready in two nights.
Harley, exhausted from her day job and her side hustle, meets up with Maxie Zeus in a coffee shop. She asks Maxie about his mortal wife, and Maxie relates his story. The story tugs at Harley’s heart and hugs him. Afterwards Harley tells Maxie about her gig with Freeze. She is concerned about the two kids. She devises a plan with Maxie to scare these kids without harming them. She is going to lead them to the hockey rink to steal the Manly Cup, and Maxie will be waiting there. Harley goes in first to verify with Maxie, then she calls her proteges down. They both arrive to be faced with Maxie Zeus, who engages them. All combatants are defeated, and then the GCPD rappels down. They apprehend Harmada and Vampire Squid and presumably Maxie as well; we do not see it on panel. Pulaski herself goes after Harley. Harley escapes out the window, attempting to call Mr. freeze for backup
This is where we learn that Mr. Freeze double crosses Harley. He uses this outing as a diversion, so he can steal the Ice Alpha, a piece of space ice. He actually called Pulaski and told her about the hockey rink heist, so he could easily steal this ice cube. Harley does end up surrendering to Pulaski.
In prison, she sees the formation of Mr. Freeze’s Ice-scraper. He uses the space ice to coat his tower under construction.
I like my comics to have true premises and issues to explore. Maybe I am a high-brow comic fan, but I also do enjoy whimsy. A comic should and can be fun, but it has to make some sense. This book does not. There is no point to this story. Mr. Freeze wants to coat his building scaffolding with space ice? Why does he want to do that? The character of Mr. Freeze made great strides as a result of his portrayal in Batman: The Animated Series. He had pathos and that deepened the character. I prefer depth, and that depth persists in the whimsical film Batman and Robin. It’s not a great film, but the character motivation of curing his frozen wife was there. What do we get here? A nonsensical ice heist with no point whatsoever?
The characterization of the two recruits is laughable but I am willing to give that a pass. Harley is a whimsical character, but she has empathy. That empathy is in full display here, first with Maxie, then for actually wanting to protect her students.
The students themselves really are weird. Vampire Squid is a polite guy dressed in a submersible suit that can create tentacles? What does any of that have to do with a vampire? Harmada’s power ushers an array of ship-shaped hats that can fire cannons that have absolutely no effect when she shoots people. This whole story is a facepalm for me.
What saves this is the art. It is well drawn. The art is whimsical and for the tone of the story that fits. The colors are vibrant, and it is easy to distinguish the different characters and the action. Unfortunately the art cannot save this book.
Editor’s Note: DC Comics provided TBU with an advance copy of this comic for review purposes. You can find this comic and help support TBU in the process by purchasing this issue digitally on Amazon or a physical copy of the title through Things From Another World.