Below you will find brief descriptions of this week’s comics along with the ratings. Below the main TBU titles will be the DC Universe specific titles that feature characters from The Batman Universe. Rather than giving in-depth reviews of those titles, we will be describing what happens in the book involving TBU characters and how it possibly impacts the story.
Main TBU Books
Detective Comics #990: For some unknown reason, Two-Face saves the lives of GCPD officers during an attack by Kobra. -Tony 1/5
Red Hood: Outlaw #27: Shortly after his introduction to the Underlife gang, Jason stops at a diner in middle America to learn more about the organization’s criminal activities. After a beatdown of some local Underlife members, Jason speaks with Bruce about the death of Roy Harper and his own potential. -Bill 4.5/5
Catwoman #4: Selina visits her sister Maggie in the hospital and remembers events from their shared past. But there are evil forces that wish to do Selina harm and don’t care who gets hurt. -Gerry 4/5
Secondary TBU Books (non-continuity/digital firsts)
None this week
Main DC Universe Books
Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1: A group of ten short spooky stories featuring various members of the DC Universe. -Paul 3/5
Suicide Squad #47: Captain Boomerang is allowed to take a trip back to Australia to deal with a spy mission. -Bob 4/5
Titans #27: The Titans cope with loss when one of their own is critically injured. -Paul 1.5/5
Secondary DC Universe Books (involving TBU appearances and cameos)
Plastic Man #5: Hugo Strange, Man-Bat, and Crazy Quilt appear in the issue.
Wonder Woman #56: Man-Bat appears alongside the Justice League Dark.
TBU Trade and Hardcover Release List
Red Hood and the Outlaws: The New 52 Omnibus Volume 1 HC
Absolute Kingdom Come New Edition HC