Below you will find brief descriptions of this week’s comics along with the ratings. Below the main TBU titles will be the DC Universe specific titles that feature characters from The Batman Universe. Rather than giving in depth reviews for those titles, we will be describing what happens in the book involving TBU characters and how it possibly impacts the story.
Main TBU Books
Detective Comics #943: In the aftermath of the Colony and the Monster Men, the Bat-Family Bootcamp attempts to recover, just as the Victim Syndicate strikes! -Ian 4.5/5
Batman Beyond #1: The first issue of the new series shows Matt revealing the Batcave to Maxine Gibson. Meanwhile Batman may be facing his match in his quest to rescue the captured Dana Tan. -Jim 4.5/5
Batgirl #4: After cutting ties with Kai, Batgirl tracks down Teacher and there faceoff is set for the next issue. -Ian 4/5
Secondary TBU Books (miniseries/digital firsts)
None this week
Main DC Universe Books
Teen Titans #1: As the Son of Batman reveals his reasons for kidnapping the heroes Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash, the Demon’s Head (Ra’s Al Ghul) prepares war against the newly created Teen Titans with his own deadly assassins – The Demon’s Fist. -Ryan 4.5/5
Titans #4: In this issue, Kadabra finally reveals his plan. He will use the Titans and Linda to force Wally to run so fast that he will be sucked into the Speed-force with no hope of returning. -Jim 4.5/5
Suicide Squad #5: As Waller tries to find a way to make General Zod part of Task Force X, Flag disagrees while the rest of the team tries to figure out what is next. The back-up features Hack. -Bill 3/5
Secondary DC Universe Books (involving TBU cameos and digital firsts)
Deathstroke #5: Deathstroke kidnaps Damian and Rose is stuck with Batman leading to some new team-ups.
TBU Trade and Hardcover Release List
Nightwing Volume 5: The Hunt for Oracle TPB
MAD Presents Goodnight Batcave HC
Justice League: Director’s Cut #1