We have mentioned this plenty of times on the podcast. For those who don't listen to the podcast and just check the website out, here is your call. We have been nominated for Best Fansite. What does that mean? That means that out of all of the sites out there, some that have been around for a long time, there are people who believe that we have the best fansite. The awards are given out by Project Fanboy. We made it to the nominations and now are in the running for the award. It would be a great honor to win this, especially since the website is still fairly new. The awards are handed out at Megacon and we will make it a point to go there.
Do you love the podcasts? Do you love chatting with other Bat-Fans on the forums? Do you love reading daily news? Do you love seeing the editorials we post? Then vote us for Best Fansite!!!!
Click here to submit your vote!!
Posted by Dustin