Ian and Steph have been hard at it again…reading Webtoons! And in particular, of course, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, one of their absolute favorites. Let’s check in, and see what they thought of this most recent batch of episodes!
Steph: Ian! It’s doesn’t feel like it’s been that long, but it’s time to review another 3 Batman: Wayne Family Adventures episodes. Are you ready?
Ian: Ready to go! And we have some fun ones this time!
Steph: YAS! This first one, especially, episode #108 “There Can Only Be One”. We got a character I didn’t think we’d ever see in this series, but we got to meet Roy Harper (which makes sense) and little Lian, which was so unexpected, but I love it! I love that she’s so widdle. What did you think of these guest stars?
Ian: I thought it was a really interesting choice to dig into the Titans cast to this level! Of course we’ve seen the Titans hanging out with Dick Grayson before (and the younger generation hanging out with Tim Drake), but Lian feels like another level of widening the universe. And I’m all for it! The rivalry of Dick and Jason Todd was hilarious, and also not a dynamic I think we see as much!
Steph: Yes! And Lian being in full control of both men the whole time was fantastic. And Roy was just there for the joy of seeing it all. So fun.
Ian: Very fun indeed! Though I kinda wish someone had shown up and poked fun of Roy’s hat (Jeremy Adams’ run on the Flash with Jai doing just that to Roy is the best!)
Steph: I admit, most of my Roy experience is through Young Justice, where he was pretty emo, so I do enjoy this lighter look at him.
Ian: Sadly, Roy in the comics is almost always WAY emo, because the comics like to pile tragedy and bad decisions on top of him like it’s a game! (Cry for Justice is NOT recommended)
Steph: Wasn’t he one of the only ones to die in that Tom King Kills DC maxi?
Ian: Yes! He was! Heroes in Crisis is mostly remembered as a Wally West tragedy (or travesty, depending on your perspective – I’m one of two people in the world who like it ok), but Roy does indeed get the shaft in that story.
But he’s back now and hopefully reunited with Lian soon!
Steph: Hopefully! Anyway, this was fun. Is there any canon precedent for Dick and Jason’s need for Lian’s love and approval?
Ian: I’m not well read in Titans lore at all, nor Outsiders outside of one or two issues, so I couldn’t say, sadly!
But it feels like something at the very least these versions of Dick and Jason would do. Jason’s shown having a strong connection to kids many times throughout WFA.
Steph: I love it. It shows a strong connection outside of Gotham City and truly in the lives of their friends.
I loved that episode #109 “PhD” was just an excuse for some of the Bat-family to talk about something every Batman fan has thought about at some point…why are so many villains so well-educated, and is it dangerous for your virtuous future to go to college?
Ian: And of course Damian takes this to the logical conclusion that any 9 year old would: he doesn’t have to go to school!
Steph: So fun. The first thing I thought reading this, though, was that Theo would be horrified how easily Damian was captured and then stay imprisoned and THEN be rescued by Harley. A very anti-Theo episode.
Ian: Well, I think that Damian’s power levels should not be exaggerated! So I don’t mind.
Steph: Lol. True. He’s just a baby. This one was overall a gag-episode where they payoff was just Batman’s disapproval and Damian’s conclusion, though I did appreciate the meta discussion with the characters.
Ian: It’s also an interesting continuation of Harley Quinn not only being a tolerated associate of the Bat-family, but sometimes actually working with/for them.
Steph: That’s true. I don’t know if we’ve seen that so much in the WFA run (I get the main canon and WFA mixed up sometimes).
Ian: Well, Harley did “fill in” for Batman at the very end of Season 1, but it’s perhaps questionable how authorized that move was by Batman himself. 😄
Oh, I did want to mention that the episode was written by Starbite and co-writer M. B. Humphries! So it’s fun seeing the artist branch out a bit into the writing!
Steph: That’s fun! It was a cute one. On to the last episode of this batch, episode #110 “Don’t Be Mad”. I’ll be honest, I think this was one of my least favorites. I didn’t think it was that funny, and it dragged on for not much payoff. And WHO IS GARY!?
Ian: I don’t dislike this episode, though it’s definitely one of the weaker ones. TobyFan is on art, and while it’s a lot better than the early TobyFan episodes – much more appealing and assured linework – it’s still very noticeably different art.
Steph: It’s much, much better. I even had to take a peek at the credits to agree with you.
Ian: Completely better! I didn’t dislike the art at all – just noticed that the eyes and costume designs looked different.
Steph: Though it was a weaker one, did Stephanie Brown live up to your expectations?
Ian: I thought it was definitely in character for WFA Steph, who, after all, was introduced with Tim in episode 3 going to the wrong bank to stop a robbery 😄
And it’s always a delight to see Babs, Steph, and Cass together.
Steph: It was nice seeing, after the immature display by the guys, that the girls get a turn as well. I mean, who wants to get in trouble with Batman?
Ian: Not me for sure! Even WFA Batman has his competitiveness and disappointed face to use as weapons!
Steph: True. Well, this was fun, Ian! I can’t wait to geek out again with you next time!
Ian: Absolutely! I look forward to more exploration of Gotham’s lighter side!