Earlier this year we brought you images of a pitched Batman animated show that didn't just make it. Well it seems that a little while ago, there was another version pitched that may have been for the upcoming James Tucker produced Batman show. Artist Coran Zone posted this info on a shot he got to design the new show:
So James the Terrifically talented Tucker producer of “The Brave and Bold” series was starting work on the new Bat show and decided to take a chance on the new guy….Me! So I became character designer. I was floored as shit and had a ton of ideas for the darknight and fellers so I spent about 4 or 5 monthes cranking out a ton of of batty shizz! I did way more than any man should ever do and worked sometimes two nights straight without sleep on that stuff.
This is the sucky part> Even though all of the heads at Cartoon Network liked the designs one felt the premise (more of a “no mans land”) was too dark and grim so they scrapped it
So what do you think of this design?
Posted by Dustin Fritschel