In this review of Absolute Batman #5, readers get the aftermath from Batman’s “deal” with Black Mask. Will both sides keep their promises?
Written by Scott Snyder
Art and Main Cover by Nick Dragotta
Variant Covers: Joëlle Jones, Ian Bertram, Nikolas Draper-Ivey, Clay Mann
Page Count: 24 pages
Release Date: February 12, 2025
This review contains spoilers
Absolute Batman #5 opens with Batman zooming around on his motorcycle after his newly formed deal with Black Mask. Alfred thinks to himself how Batman is taunting them, hoping they make a move on him to blow up their deal.
Next we see Gordon and Martha talk about how Jim has lost the mayoral race. Martha tells him that it is not over and to get up and keep fighting. Gordon tells Martha to tell Bruce that he is sorry that they are not doing the memorial lighting at the zoo in honor of the tragedy that took Thomas Wayne’s life.
Then there is a flashback at Thomas’s funeral and Gordon tells Bruce that his father was one of the bravest people he has ever known. He also mentions that they are going to tear down the zoo.
Next Batman meets with Black Mask. Black Mask says that two hundred million was wired into an account for him. Batman comments that he has already spent it. Intercut with that is Bruce telling Gordon that he does not want the zoo to be torn down. He wants some type of memorial. Back to the present, Batman has stacked the money at the zoo memorial light and hits a button to form a giant Bat signal in the sky. Black Mask screams the deal is off and a fight begins.
Batman hands out a beating to all of Mask’s men. Using all his whips and spikes that he has. Maks has snipers shoot at his own men and while Batman is distracted, captures him with a net. Black Mask breaks his arm and Batman tells him that is what he has said on video. Mask laughs and along with a girlfriend, breaks an ear of Batman’s cowl and stabs him with it. Black Mask taunts him while someone shoots a flamethrower at Batman. They finally toss him off the roof.
Batman lands while police show up at the scene. Batman somehow is able to get to his feet and starts to flee. Barbara Gordon accidently hits him with her car and threatens to shoot at him. Batman, maskless, escapes through a hatch because Barbara lets him go.
Black Mask is making his public appearance on the news and telling why he does what he does. While that is happening Bruce is injured and asks Alfred to help. Alfred refuses and tells him that whatever happens next is on his head.
The issue ends with Black Mask supplying any citizen of Gotham guns, masks, and weapons to join his party. Jim and Martha are surrounded by some people who has taken Black Mask up on that offer.
Absolute Batman #5 was a great issue. We finally see the Absolute Batman take a beating. And it was one of the biggest beatings I have ever seen a Batman take. He got his arm broken, stabbed multiple times, shot with a flamethrower, tossed off a building, and hit by a car. The fact he even stood up and could walk is a miracle. Luckily he’s a 6’8 beast of a man.
It was good to have Nick Dragotta back on the book. This Batman is distinctly his and the way he draws the action and the fight scenes is fantastic. He, like Black Mask, pulled no punches with issue.
At one point, when Batman lights his signal, Black Mask comments how its the ugliest bat he has ever seen. Thought that was a fun meta moment by Scott Snyder.
Looking forward to issue 6 and if Alfred returns to Bruce and how Gordon and Martha escape the Party Animals.