Earlier today, an announcement regarding a new Batman/Superman series was given. The series will in some ways spin out of the events of the current The Batman Who Laughs miniseries, as it includes the title character as a main plot point for the new series. The miniseries was set to wrap in June with its sixth issue, but DC has revealed that the series will actually wrap in July with one final issue.
DC has labeled the new addition a surprise seventh issue, but Scott Snyder has stated that the added issue is meant to wrap the series without it feeling rushed. Snyder said that he had issues with structuring the series to end with issue six and DC agreed to let him have an extra issue to wrap the series in a way that felt right for the writer.
The final issue will continue with Snyder writing and Jock on art with David Baron coloring. The seventh and final issue of the series will release on July 31. The Batman Who Laughs continues with its fifth issue on May 8.