Keeping in line with their monthly themed variant covers and following in the recent surge in popularity for coloring books, DC has announced that they will have uncolored lineart variant covers for 25 of its titles in January. However, it is unclear if these covers will be printed on material that will actually let buyers color in the artwork themselves. It is also worth of note that while some titles are getting these monthly themed variant covers for the first time, that Batgirl has not gotten a variant cover since the Joker variant cover was pulled before printing. See the gallery above to see all of the variant covers from TBU titles and see the list below for the full list of titles getting the variant treatment.
Action Comics #48 by Scott Kollins
Aquaman #48 by Andy Kuhn
Batman #48 by Dave Johnson
Batman/Superman #28 by Freddie Williams
Cyborg #7 by Derec Donovan
Deathstroke #14 by Emanuella Luppicino
Detective Comics #48 by Timothy Green
Flash #48 by Derec Donovan
Grayson #16 by Aaron Lopresti
Green Arrow #48 by Cully Hamner
Green Lantern#48 by Michael Allred
Justice League #48 by Scott Kollins
JLA #8 by Cully Hamner
Lois and Clark #4 by Aaron Lopresti
Martian Manhunter #8 by Andy Kuhn
Red Hood/Arsenal #8 by Scott McDaniel
Robin Son of Batman #8 by Sanford Greene
Sinestro #19 by Derec Donovan
Starfire #8 by Dave Taylor
Superman #48 by Andy Smith
Superman/ Wonder Woman #25 by Aaron Lopresti
Teen Titans #16 by Timothy Green
Titans Hunt #4 Scott McDaniel
We Are Robin #8 by Freddie Williams
Wonder Woman #48 by Emanuella Luppicino