Mondo has released details for their latest Batman: The Animated Series figure, which features Catwoman in one-sixth scale. Standing just under twelve inches, the figure features interchangeable portraits and a number of accessories. If you order through Mondo, the figure will include an extra portrait and a lounging Isis, Selina’s kitty. The figure is priced at $165 and is expected to ship June 2020. You can preorder the figure now directly at Mondo. It is also available via Entertainment Earth as well as Sideshow Collectibles.
Mondo Batman: The Animated Series Catwoman 1/6 Scale Figure
Sculpted to match the iconic style of the show with a paint scheme evoking the bold, graphic look of an animation cel. Designed by Joe Allard, sculpted by Ramirez Studios, and painted by Jason Wires Productions, the figure features packaging designed by Brent Ashe with art by Phantom City Creative. Catwoman comes fully equipped to slink into your collection, and maybe take something from it…
Mondo Exclusive includes an unmasked Selina Kyle head, and a lounging Isis the Cat!