Mondo has announced a new creative collaboration with Phantom City Creative to release a number of new posters based on two different episodes of Batman: The Animated Series. Featuring the episodes “Night of the Ninja” and “Tyger, Tyger” both are available in an original poster and a variant. as beautiful posters. Each poster measures 18″ x 24″ and also features seven-color screen-printing. The original posters are priced at $45 and $65 for the variants. You can order yours at Mondo Shop’s website now by following the links below.
Batman: The Animated Series – Night of the Ninja Screen-Printed Poster
Batman: The Animated Series – Night of the Ninja Variant Screen-Printed Poster
Batman: The Animated Series – Tyger, Tyger Screen-Printed Poster
Batman: The Animated Series – Tyger, Tyger Variant Screen-Printed Poster