Overview: In Poison Ivy #14, Poison Ivy resumes her quest to rid Gotham City, and the world, of earth-harming corporations.
Written by: G. Willow Wilson
Art by: Marcio Tanaka
Color by: Arif Prianto
Letters by: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Synopsis (spoilers ahead): Our story begins right where we left off in Poison Ivy #13, with Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley) standing over a dead body with a pink lily growing out of his face, an obvious warning from a new foe. As she searches the construction project, things get weird; she finds a room that seems to go on forever, random spots of blood all over the floor, and the path that left to get out has disappeared.
While Ivy is inside searching, she has Janet from HR attempting to get a job at the company that owns the project, Undine Holdings. Leaving the interview, Janet is cornered on street by Batman (Bruce Wayne) who warns her that helping Ivy will lead to jail or death. She responds by swinging her purse at him and running away.
Curious about Janet, Harley Quinn had been following her. Harley watches everything that takes place with Batman. She assures Janet that she doesn’t have to listen to Batman, and then they kiss.
We cut back to the Ivy running down the hall of the construction project. She is stopped by a wall of blue spores floating from the floor towards the ceiling. A gentlemen in a blue suit and a giant blue lily for a face steps out behind her, telling her “transformation is always alarming.”
Analysis: After the first two issues of this current arc, I’m enjoying the story that G. Willow Wilson is setting up. Ivy has just finished with a cross-country trip trying to clean up her own mess, but by doing that, she may have allowed her other mess at home to grow beyond her control.
I think it is super funny that Janet from HR is staying with Harley while this is all going on. I think its even funnier that Harley is stalking Janet all because she knows Janet is important to Ivy, so Harley has to make sure she is safe. What I don’t get is why they ruin it all by having Janet and Harley kiss. Ivy also acknowledges the kiss in the next panel, so they aren’t going to run with the jealousy angle. Maybe Janet is just there for Harley and Ivy to share? Who knows?
I am a really big fan of Marcio Tanaka, and I really enjoyed the art throughout. I think his style lends very well to the Poison Ivy aesthetic and the trippy style. The flowers on both faces are gorgeous as well. Jessica Fong may have him beat this time around though, her cover is one of the best that I have seen recently, and that includes all the amazing Knight Terror art we have been getting. There are also a slew of variant covers as well, all top notch!
Editor’s Note: DC Comics provided TBU with an advanced copy of this comic for review purposes. You can find this comic and help support TBU in the process by purchasing this issue digitally on Comixology through Amazon or a physical copy of the title through Things From Another World.