In this review of Catwoman #64, Veronica Viceroy puts together her team to combat Catwoman. Selina, knowing this, embarks on a daring mission into space to sabotage a communications satellite giving her freedom to act for the time being.
Catwoman #64
Writer: Tini Howard
Artist: Carmineidi Giandomenico
Color Artist: Veronica Gandini
Cover: David Nakayama
Variant Cover: Inhyuk Lee and Derrick Chew
Release Date: April 16, 2024
This review contains spoilers
Catwoman #64 begins in Las Vegas, where Viceroy calls a meeting with Santa Espada and Flamingo. She has a plan to capture the Cat and use her services like Amanda Waller did. She has a means to track Catwoman.
Catwoman is also in Vegas. She has her own mission. Her plan is to steal a ship so she can eliminate the Viceroy’s eye in the sky. She sneaks into an experimental base where Carol Ferris’s newest spacecraft is being tested. She takes out the pilot and assumes his identity. She boards the plane and takes off. Then the pilot emerges, The general ten launches the Demolition Team to intercept the plane.
Catwoman changes into a space suit, her mission is to sabotage a communications satellite. She does get an alert that the weight limit of the craft has been exceeded. She chooses to ignore the alarm and goes on her space walk. She damages the satellite then she loses her tether from her ship and starts to drift into space. She then realizes that she is not alone and she is grabbed by one of the Demolition Team. They bring her on board their ship and Selina starts a fight in the ship.
The fight leads to damage to the ship forcing it to crash into the atmosphere and burn up on reentry seemingly killing Catwoman but she is not dead yet.
This whole arc has been showing Selina in very inhospitable environments. Catwoman #64 continues this as this time, Selina is space, not a place I expect to find her, and that is actually a problem here. Characters are designed for specific types of stories and Selina Kyle is designed to be an earth-based character. She is not created to be under the water, in a nuclear power plant and yes that includes space as well. How does she even know how to fly a plane that could only be flown by an experimental pilot like Hal Jordan? Of course Hal would not have been involved because the pilot had to be cannon fodder for Catwoman in stealing this plane.
This story is going off the rails quickly. I like the mystical concept of the nine lives which does fit into the cat motif of the character, but cats are not in the ocean or space.
The art in Catwoman #64, however is great and action packed. Most of this issue is a space battle in the ship with Catwoman against the Demolition Team and any other set of characters would have made this more enjoyable that it is. The visual of the ship crashing into the earth in flames is dynamic and again we get a shot of Selina’s face melting off. The detail of that panel is interesting in that her eyes are distinctly feline.
Final Thoughts
Catwoman #64 finds Selina in an out of this world adventure that again leads to her death. This is getting old fast, but again the art is fantastic.
Editor’s Note: DC Comics provided TBU with an advanced copy of this comic for review purposes. You can find this comic and help support TBU in the process by purchasing this issue digitally on Amazon or a physical copy of the title through Things From Another World.