It’s been another exciting three weeks of Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, which means it’s time for another review! Ian and Steph have been enjoying reading these comic episodes that anyone can explore for free on the wonderful Webtoon platform.
Steph: Ian, I am so excited to talk about Batman: Wayne Family Adventures with you, especially this first episode. Do you know why?
Ian: Was it because it’s “Wonderful?”
Steph: Well, yes, episode #97 was called “Wonderful,” because of Wonder Woman’s first appearance, but also for another reason, in my opinion.
Ian: AHA! It is the return of BAT COW!
Steph: And Alfred the Cat!
Ian: The Bat-Menagerie is always a cause for celebration!
Steph: At first I thought the cat was Isis and that Selina would be coming in to have an opinion about Diana being there, but this ended up being a “Wonder Woman loves all the animals” episode, and I was so tickled.
Ian: It was a really great bit of characterization for all involved – Diana’s strength and compassion and enthusiasm, Bruce’s attempt to stay on task but also care for his friend and son, and, of course, seeing Goliath is always a great memory from the underrated Robin: Son of Batman series
Steph: I loved how they changed Goliath’s attitude from fierce to cuddly. A very fun spin.
Ian: Definitely a nice nod to Diana’s connection with animals!
Not as well known (or memed) as Aquaman and talking to fishes, but a great power.
Steph: What did you think of Diana’s physical appearance? I loved that they leaned into her muscles and strength, but still kept her beautiful.
Ian: Agreed – I think Starbite had a really great design and rendering for her!
(Once again I think that DC and Webtoon should get a Kent Family Adventures and Prince Family Adventures up and running!)
Steph: Lol. That would be great.
However, the Wayne Family remains my personal favorite, which is why I loved episode #98 “Power Outage” so much! The Bat-kids trying to solve a Wayne Manor problem…and failing together.
Ian: That was really great! Perhaps a bit unrealistic that they couldn’t solve the problem, but they are still kids, and the WFA world is much less drastic in most ways than our real world – thankfully! I also really like Starbite’s choice in both “Wonderful” and “Power Outage” to insert some panels with chibi versions of the characters! A great webtoons touch!
Steph: I love the chibis.
For sure. I was kind of expecting to find out the fireplaces were gas and all they had to do was flip a switch, but alas…
Ian: Also, I noticed that our backgrounds for this episode are by new background artist Isabella Clapp
Did you notice any artistic shift there?
Steph: Not really. But I’m terrible at noticing things like that. Have you talked to her?
Ian: I haven’t – I’ve talked to Suzi, the other artist who did this batch of episodes, and I follow Lan Ma on Twitter. I notice that Suzi and Isabella tend to have more 2D rendered backgrounds, while Lan tends to have more 3D rendered ones, but they do coordinate pretty well, so that things like Wayne Manor feel familiar no matter who’s drawing them!
Steph: That’s awesome.
I did wonder if the kids warmed up after cleaning up their mess…they did look hot and worn out when Alfred got home. And the chibi ending was delightful.
As we said.
Ian: More chibis!
Steph: On to the last episode of the bunch, #99 “Kidnapping Clinic.” I loved that, though this started to be about Duke Thomas, it ended up being “Tim needs rescuing, Part 3!”
The hostility between Tim Drake and Jason Todd was great.
Jason knows just how to needle his brother.
Ian: I’m really amused and pleased that we have ongoing threads between strips, now!
This is the third episode that references the ongoing situation between Tim and Jason with regards to Tim being “rescued” by Jason to save his cover.
Steph: But there was a lot to love about this one. I loved that Damian is so fiercely protective of Duke, flashbacks of Dick Grayson, Dick’s descriptions of himself, the Tim/Dick debacle, and the dilemma all the Bat-kids have of being able to take care of themselves, but having to fake not being able to in order to keep their identities as crime fighters a secret.
Ian: I also love the meta-humor in Batman’s sidekicks having to deal with being known as “the boy hostage.”
I also appreciate the idea that instead of just accepting that fact, they have worked together to try to find solutions to the problem.
Steph: I think of the batch, this was my favorite. There were a lot of the kids, each had something to add, and each had their own voice. Though I like “Power Outage,” it was all the kids acting as one and being a little dumb as one. This demonstrated a bit more of each characters’ personality.
Ian: I agree – the combination of the variety of Bat-kids, the structure of the strip, and the ongoing continuity references made it a clear winner to me!
Steph: Yay! Man…we’re almost at 100…probably means this season will be winding down soon…maybe. Is there anything you’d like to see before the season is out?
Ian: Another Stephanie Brown episode, for sure!.
You know me, I must maintain my brand
I think another Bruce Wayne-focused episode, too, since it is his family
Steph: I really hope we get a Bat/Cat date. That would make me so happy.
Ian: Yesssss, agreed!
Steph: Well, let’s talk again next time! Hopefully about Steph and/or a Bat/Cat date!
See you later!!