Beast Kingdom is allowing Bat-Fans to relive their love of Batman: The Animated Series with two new EAA (Egg Attack Action) figures. Both of these figures will be Previews exclusives.
First up, is Batman, based on his appearance in the legendary cartoon series. The six-inch figure comes with a fabric cape, as well as a fabric costume. But that’s not all. Two different cowls, three different facial pieces, and a slew of accessories help make this figure a must-have for collectors.
The second one is one of Batman’s greatest foes with Joker. Also standing at six-inches tall, the new Egg Attack action figure uses real clothing and includes a variety of props like a Batman doll, grenade, fish, teeth, and various other gags. And like the Batman figures, it also includes interchangeable hands and heads.
Both figures are expected to ship at the end of May 2020. Priced at $80 each, you can pre-order Batman and Joker over at Entertainment Earth.