The last DC panel for today focuses on the original graphic novels. Geoff Johns was in attendance representing the Bat-books with his recent Batman: Earth One. Here are the highlights.
-Batman: Earth One Volume Two is already in the works, with the hope to be released before the end of 2013.
-The graphic novel will feature the Riddler as the main villain,
-It will also feature showing on how Batman becomes a great detective.
-Johns hopes that the story will be "The Killing Joke" for the Riddler.
-Johns also described the Riddler similar to the Zodiac killer or a character in David Fincher film.
-The two Earth One novels exist in the same universe and there will be hints about Batman in the second volume of Superman: Earth One.
That's all for news today. Head back tomorrow for the last day of the con.
Posted by Dustin Fritschel