Entertainment Weekly released the first promotional image from the Wonder Woman film. Director Patty Jenkins said of the image that the women “shouldn’t be dressed in armor like men. It should be different. It should be authentic and real — and appealing to women. I, as a woman, want Wonder Woman to be hot as hell, fight badass, and look great at the same time — the same way men want Superman to have huge pecs and an impractically big body.”
Digital Spy reported that Wonder Woman herself Gal Gadot has stated the film will have humor, while being quite dark. “In Batman v Superman, you get a glimpse of who she is but not where she comes from. In Wonder Woman, this would be the first time we ever tell the coming-of-age story of how Diana becomes Wonder Woman. We all saw before the beautiful coming of age of Batman, Spider-Man, Superman. We don’t know anything about Wonder Woman. We go back 100 years to when she’s more naïve,” Gadot told Digital Spy. “She’s this young idealist. She’s pure. Very different to the experienced, super-confident, grown-up woman you’ve seen.” However the most noteworthy point was Gadot claiming “It’s very interesting. It has moments of humor, but it’s pretty dark”. Whether Warner Bros. wished she hadn’t said that is up for debate, but a dark Wonder Woman film is certainly an interesting prospect.
Wonder Woman’s release date has also shifted. Previously slated for release on June 23, 2017, a spot that also has the next Transformers film, has been adjusted now to June 3, 2017. Instead of facing off against robots, the new release date has Bad Boy 3 and Captain Underpants slated for release.
SUICIDE SQUAD: August 2015
Jai Courtney moved to clarify earlier reports that the Suicide Squad reshoots would be used the “lighten” the tone of the film. Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Courtney stated “there’s plenty of that in there” in relation to humor, and this was backed up by director David Ayer on his twitter account. The director explained “reshoots for humor is silly. When a studio loves your movie and asks what else you want, go for it!”
In other Suicide Squad news, director David Ayer stated he would consider potentially pitching an R-rated sequel to the studio for the summer film. Talking to MTV, Ayer stated “It would be worth lobbying for”, but that “For an R movie, you have to decide to do it right out the gate, and that was never the case here. We were always going to hit the PG-13 rating. But the film is meant to be that. It’s got edge, and it’s got attitude. And it’s got its own voice… There’s a lot in the film that’s going to surprise people.”
THE FLASH: March 2018
We also got some interesting new regarding the upcoming solo Flash film, or at least what we originally thought was going to be a solo outing for the speedster.
In an interview with Forbes, producer Deborah Snyder revealed “As you can imagine, when we get to the Flash movie, Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher — who plays Cyborg — are kind of our youngest characters, and they have a really nice comradery [sic] with each other. Ezra is super funny, so the tone of that film will be very different than the rest of them.” This will be an interesting way to test the probability of a Cyborg solo film in the future or whether these mini Justice League team ups will become the norm.
The solo Superman film is glaring in its absence from the DCEU slate. While Man of Steel was a moderate success, it seems the studio is reluctant to commit to a sequel involving Kal-El on his own which is incredible giving the stature of the character. Check out a video below where Zack Snyder, Henry Cavill and Charles Roven all weigh in on the potential next adventure for Superman.
Batman v Superman is looking unlikely to break the $900 million mark worldwide, which is incredible when you have arguably the two most recognizable super heroes in history in your film. The Hollywood Reporter is now reporting that CEO of Warner Brothers is looking to cut back on smaller film releases and focus on the DC Universe, the Harry Potter spinoff franchise Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and the Lego Movie world. What’s really interesting here is that neither Man of Steel or BvS have been the hit makers the studio wanted, but they are pressing forward by committing even resources to the extended universe.
The story is back up by the news that DC just added two more DCEU release dates to their calendar. Coming in 2018 and 2019, rumors have already begun that one of these dates is for Ben Affleck’s confirmed Batman solo film, while the other could be the talked about sequel to this summer’s Suicide Squad. Anything is possible, but one thing is for sure, Warner Brothers are in this for the long haul.
Editor’s Note: Going forward, DC Film Universe Update will post on Saturday mornings. However, if there has not been enough update to warrant posting a new entry, we will hold out for more news. Since we primarily focus on The Batman Universe and not the DC Universe, we will continue to post Batman-centric news as it occurs while keeping updates related to other DC films regulated to when there is enough to report.