In 2007, The New Adventures of Batman- The Complete Series (1977) was an animated series released by Warner Home Video featuring the voices of Adam West and Burt Ward as cartoon versions of Batman & Robin. However, there was another Batman & Robin animated series called The Adventures of Batman in 1968 on CBS when Adam West and Burt Ward were doing the live-action version of Batman & Robin. The Adventures of Batman is a treasured item that came out before The New Adventures of Batman.
Warner Home Video has announced the two-disc DVD set that will have seventeen episodes. It will be released on June 3, 2014 for $19.97. This series features Batman voiced by Olan Soule, Casey Kasem as Robin, and Ted Knight as Commissioner Gordon. See the description of this DVD as well as the episode listing below.
The Adventures of Batman was an American animated television series produced by Lou Schiemer's Filmation studios. The shorts were broadcast as part of The Batman/Superman Hour in 1968. Over-the-top characters and catchy dramatic music cues gave this version of Batman a realistic look and feel-by cartoon standards of the day.
- "How Many Herring in a Wheelbarrow?"/ "A Bird Out of Hand"
- "The Cool, Cruel Mr. Freeze"/ "The Joke's on Robin"
- "Bubi, Bubi, Who's Got The Ruby?" / "Opera Buffa"
- "The Nine Lives of Batman"/ "In Again, Out Again Penguin"
- "The Big Birthday Caper"/ "Long John Joker"
- "The Crime Computer"/ "1001 Faces of the Riddler"
- "Partners in Peril"/ "Two Penguins Too Many"
- "Hizzoner The Joker" / "The Underworld, Underground Caper"
- "Will The Real Robin Please Stand Up" / "Freeze's Frozen Vikings"
- "Simon the Pieman"/ "The Great Scarecrow Scare"
- "My Crime is Your Crime"/ "Beware of Living Dolls"
- "From Catwoman With Love" / "He Who Wipes The Ice, Goes To The Cooler"
- "A Game of Cat and Mouse"/ "A Mad, Mad Tea Party"
- "A Perfidious Pieman Is Simon"/ "Perilous Playthings"
- "The Fiendishly Frigid Fraud" / "The Cool Cruel Christmas Caper"
- "The Jigsaw Jeopardy"/ "Enter the Judge"
- "It Takes Two to Make a Team" / "Wrath of the Riddler"
Posted by Kristina Collins