Batman and Robin #1 hit stores yesterday and while the main idea of the story is pretty evident, other than who will be in the cowl and mask is unknown about what will exactly will be happening in this title. The series writer, Peter Tomasi, talked with IGN about what we can expect from Batman and Robin and his and artist Patrick Gleason's approach to the villains for the series.
IGN: One of the primary goals of the first volume of Batman and Robin was to establish new rogues and new challenges for the Dynamic Duo. Is that something that's been retained here?
Peter Tomasi: Absolutely. We're coming at this book with the intention of introducing new bad guys to go up against Batman and Robin at every opportunity. We're gonna be challenging them physically and psychologically, because the best stories are ones where our heroes are driven to the edge of their limits, and sometimes that edge is closer than expected.
IGN: What kind of new villains can we expect to see?
Peter Tomasi: Our lead-off villain is a new character called NOBODY. He's a bad ass that goes way back to Bruce's early days. The animosity these two have for each other is quite personal. Down the pike, Pat and I have all new villains up our sleeve that we can't wait to bring to life. It's important for us to create new mythology for the Batverse, we want to leave new toys behind just like those who came before us.
IGN: There's no shortage of Batman books going into September – what does Batman and Robin offer readers that the others do not?
Peter Tomasi: Honestly, I'm looking at this book as the one you want to come to for the relationship dynamic. My 'A' plot is really about Bruce and Damian living and working together. Of course there'll be plenty of action, but my focus is zeroed in on the hearts and minds of these two characters and putting them through something emotionally that will alter their ongoing relationship forever.
There will be no intricate plot machinations — this is running and gunning with two characters who need and want to understand each other. It's heart on your sleeve, blood is thicker than water, ties that bind storytelling with two of the best characters in comics. I feel lucky to have the chance to tell this story.
For the entire interview, including talk about any future Talia appearances, head over to IGN. Batman and Robin #1 is in stores now.
Posted by Dustin Fritschel