Hey kids! What a fun week! The CW continues to keep us entertained, while “Gotham” is still on break. Let’s get to it, and you have be warned that from here on out, there are SPOILERS AHEAD!
Episode 17: Tricksters (aired March 31)
- Mark Hamill showed up this week folks! Our dear, beloved, Mr. Hamill has not only previously portrayed the Trickster opposite the Flash (John Wesley Shipp!) in both live-action and animated (Justice League Unlimited), but he is also the voice of the Joker for the past twenty five years. He has reprised his role several times, including for two of the Arkham trilogy games (Arkham Asylum and Arkham City).
- Joe and Barry have begun to play a difficult game against Wells/Thawne. The game of shadows and deception is a game Bruce plays constantly, against many different opponents, and often all at once. On more than one occasion he’s had to face off against both Lex Luthor and Amanda Waller.
Episode 18: Public Enemy (aired April 1)
- This episode goes by the title “Public Enemy.” There is a Batman/Superman comic entitled “Public Enemies,” where Superman was made a fugitive and turned to Batman for aid. They took on Lex Luthor, and saved the world. Naturally.
- Lance is hunting Oliver because all of the masks started with him. Also, his logic leads him to believe that Sarah would never have died if she hadn’t been involved with Oliver, as Arrow and otherwise. This is extremely similar to a Batman animated episode (later years with Tim Drake as Robin) where Batgirl dies, Gordon sees and unmasks to discover his daughter, and hunts down Batman and his crew. It turns out to be a nightmare, or a dream. Still, an interesting parallel.
- Both Oliver and Bruce share in their dedication to their cities. “MY CITY!”
- There’s one thing Bruce does better than Oliver, at least on the show, and that is dealing with Amanda Waller. Bruce typically owns Waller.
- Bruce Wayne has also been hunted as a fugitive when he was framed for murder in “Bruce Wayne: Fugitive.”
That’s all for this week. Cheers ’til next time!